I've always heard people talk about life being a roller coaster but I've never really had an appreciation for what that meant until this year. 2015 has been full of emotions. At times I was up and felt like I could conquer the world and at other times I was down so low I couldn't see purpose in anything in my life and I experienced pain that I thought would never stop or go away. I've had times where my confidence was so high, I felt like the most royal of queens, and I've also experienced times where I felt so inadequate like I wasn't good enough. Through everything, God always sustained me. He never left me and He always picked me up when I was down. The highs didn't last and neither did the pain.
When I look back over 2015, I sometimes find myself focusing on things that I could have done better and things that I could have changed but I realize, as cliche as it may be, everything really does happen for a reason. I wouldn't be who I am at this moment in time if it wasn't for everything that I've experienced, especially over the past year.
One of the biggest things that I'm still trying to learn and put into practice is to "Let it go!" Whatever "it" is, shouldn't have to be forced. No matter whether it's school, a job, a relationship, or whatever, you shouldn't be miserable trying to make it work. That's not what God wants for you. I'm not saying that everything will be easy or that you won't experience challenges, but what is meant for you will never miss you. So if a fight is one sided "let it go!" Don't run yourself ragged trying to chase something that may not even be for you. God's got you and your time will come.
I don't know what the future holds, but what I do know is that God loves me and God knows the desires of my heart. God wants what is best for me and because of that I have to let go of what I think I know and let him take the wheel, completely. I'm not one to say new year, new me, but I am thankful for the close of 2015. It was a difficult year and I'm ready to make 2016 amazing.
My desires for 2016 are Healing, Restoration, and Happiness.
Hope everyone has a great New Year!