One of the things that I'm thankful to have gained from the past year is learning to love myself unconditionally. I've always thought I loved who I was, but when things got tough over the past year, I started to doubt myself. I had moments where I thought I wasn't good enough. But from that I learned that I am enough and I will always be enough. I don't think it's unusual to feel inadequate at times, most people do, but it's important to be able to pick yourself back up and realize that if God gives you something, He also equips you with the tools necessary to be the best you can be.
If you don't truly love and accept yourself, flaws and all, how can you expect someone else to do the same? If you're awkward, embrace it. If you're weird, be weird. Love yourself without hesitation because there's only one you and God made you who you are for a purpose. Only you can carry out the story that God has written for you and if you're busy trying to be like somebody else, you'll get off track from your destiny.
Looking back over the last year of my life, I can really say that I have learned so much about myself. I'm pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. I'm not perfect by any means, but I don't want to be. My imperfections are part of what makes me who I am. I've found purpose in my flaws. I've realized that my imperfections can be used to help me fulfill my purpose by embracing them and repurposing them. I'm emotional, but now I use my emotions more for empathizing with others and loving on others rather than lashing out at people. I'm really weird and awkward, but I use it to make people laugh. I talk a lot, sometimes too much, but now I try hard to make sure that my words are purposeful.
I'm learning to be exactly who I am, unapologetically.
I have grown in ways that I never would have if I hadn't faced the situations I faced, and I love myself more than I ever have. I thank God for 22, but I'm ready for the adventure that 23 has for me. Something is telling me it's going to be the best year yet and I'm ready for it!
Happy Sunday!
Ps. Thank you for everyone who made my 23rd birthday amazing! It was one of the best ones I've had!