Suppress them and ignore them, simple right? But why is it so hard to do sometimes? For me this is something I really struggle with. When the emotions start flooding in, I become very irrational and I probably seem crazy at times. That's because for so long, I've let them rule me instead of me ruling them.
Letting your emotions rule you is such a detrimental thing and the problem with it is that often times we don't see ourselves doing it until something becomes damaged because of it. When we let our emotions take over, we have our little rant or throw our little pity party and then we get over it. Not only do you look crazy because if you're acting irrationally, you're most likely not clearly communicating what's wrong, because you yourself probably don't even know at the moment, but what about the person you just snapped at and probably said something you shouldn't have? Are they still okay or have you now brought someone else into your realm of emotions because you didn't stop yourself and let your emotions settle and rationally handle whatever situation you may be facing.
This is the story of my life over the last year. It's so embarrassing to admit that. Admit that at times I find myself not acting rationally and letting my emotions take over and hurt those around me. As I look back over my life, I see that during this past year, it's been worse than it's ever been, and that's probably due to me being stressed out more than I've ever been. But that's neither here nor there because that's just an excuse to try and validate my actions.
The truth is, it can be really hard to tell your emotions to be quiet and learn to wait to act until you can handle situations with a level head, but it's an essential part of life. For me it isn't easy, and everyday is a struggle, but it's something I continually pray over. I still have my moments, but I know as I continue to grow and put forth a conscious effort to fight my emotions, it will get better. I refuse to lose anything because of not being able to handle my emotions.
So the goal isn't to become emotionless, but let's learn to become emotionally responsible!
With Love,
Cherie Amour