Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hearing God's Voice

When I started to get serious about my relationship with God, one thing I longed for was to hear His voice so that I'd know exactly what He was telling me to do. I began praying and telling God that I would do whatever it was that He wanted me to do, but I wasn't sure of what He was telling me or how to find out.

I've read blogs and other people's stories about how they hear God speaking to them and how they hear His voice and I wanted to hear it too, but I didn't know how to. I tried to do what other people were doing so that I could hear His voice, but it wasn't working.  The more my relationship with God grew, the more I realized how detrimental it was to my own growth to compare my life and my relationship with God to somebody or someone else's. I think a lot of times, we want to find a step-by-step manual of how things work, when there is no "one size fits all" manual for the life that was tailor-made just for us.  

When I stopped paying attention to what everyone else was doing and focusing on myself, I started to hear God, but not in the way I thought I would hear Him. 

I've always felt God speaking to me, but I wasn't always sure if I was hearing Him, or whether I was making stuff up in my head, just to find a solution to the situation at hand. I would constantly doubt what I was hearing and eventually I learned that God speaks to me through others. He brings people into my life that love Him and that are trying to live for Him in the same way that I am and He relays His messages of reaffirmation to me through them. 

I may not even mention something that I'm going through to anyone, and then somebody I'm close with will start talking about something that applies directly to what I may be going through at the time. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but once I followed what I heard, things would start to line up and I would feel at peace. That's how I learned how God speaks to me. 

Now that I know how to hear God's voice in my life, I must be obedient in what He's telling me to do! I know it won't always be what I want to hear, but I've learned that God never fails me, and if I do what He asks of me, the reward will be worth it! 

